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Temporary Roadworks At R108 Naul Road

May 4, 2017 Back to all news
naul road junction

As part of North Runway’s construction project, temporary roadworks are required at a section of the Naul Road commencing on Monday, May 8 between the hours of 7.30am to 6.30pm each day for approximately two weeks.

The works will consist of laying ducts from the junction at the entrance to Gate 9 (adjoining the CityJet Hangar) across the Naul Road to the opposite verge (at the location of the red oval on the drawing below). Traffic management measures, including a stop/go system, will be implemented to control traffic movements at the junction during the works.

Further roadworks will then take place over the following weeks to extend the ducts along the roadside, northward towards the North Runway site (red dotted line on the drawing). Traffic management measures, including a stop/go system, will be implemented to control traffic movements alongside the works area.

We apologise for any inconvenience and welcome queries to the North Runway Team on freefone 1800-804422 or email northrunway@daa.ie.