A site compound was built to house offices for the seventy or so management and administration staff that work on North Runway. These include project and contract managers, site supervisors, health, safety, sustainability and environmental teams and commercial staff.
The compound complex provides welfare facilities for the 100 or so site staff working on the runway construction site, a number that will grow as the project develops.
The compound is fully equipped with maintenance facilities to repair plant machinery and secure storage facilities for the various equipment and materials required for the construction of the runway.
Temporary roads have been built around the internal perimeter of the construction site itself. This enables larger items of machinery required for the build to move around the site, keeping them off public roads as much as possible.
The former runway 11/29, also known as aircraft park Charlie, is currently being demolished as it lies in the footprint of North Runway. This demolition work is being carried out in conjunction with topsoil removal site-wide.
Topsoil cannot be reused as part of the runway structure itself, however the top layer of soil, grass and vegetation will be stored for re-use in elevated landscape areas.
Once completed, the runway will be brought into the security restricted part of the airfield.