March 11, 2016 Back to all news

Over 1.7 million passengers travelled through Dublin Airport in February, a 17% increase over the same month last year.

Passenger volumes to and from continental Europe rose by 16% with almost 817,000 passengers travelling to European destinations.

UK traffic recorded an increase of 19% with over 752,000 passengers travelling in February.

Almost 6,500 passengers travelled on domestic routes last month, a 23% increase over February 2015.  Passenger volumes to and from North America grew by 20% with just over 98,000 passengers travelling on this sector in February.

Other international traffic, principally to the Middle East declined by 1% with just over 50,000 passengers travelling these routes in February.

The number of passengers using Dublin Airport as a hub to connect to another destination increased by 51% with almost 33,000 passengers connecting through Dublin Airport last month.