Dublin Airport presented prizes to the twelve winners of its 2018 schools calendar competition this week
Every year children from local primary schools are invited to participate in a calendar competition themed around Dublin Airport. This year the students were asked to draw a picture of their favourite memory or experience at the airport.
More than 180 children from six local schools took part in the competition and a winner was chosen for each month of the year. All 12 winning entries are now featured in the airport’s 2018 calendar.
At a special event in Terminal 2, winners were presented with a One4all voucher, an enlarged copy of their entry to display in school and a number of calendars to take home.
“It was very difficult to choose just 12 winners from the beautiful array of entries as the standard was very high,” said daa External Communications Officer, Audrey O’Hagan at the presentation event.
“It was lovely to read the personal account from each child’s favourite memory of Dublin Airport attached to the drawing they had submitted. Dublin Airport is a proud member of the local community and we were delighted to see the strong connection that the local children have with the airport.”
The winning entries were:
January: Clara Gleeson, St Margaret’s National School
February: Darragh Smith, Holy Spirit Boys National School
March: Katie Swaine, Mary Queen of Ireland National School
April: Leah Fitzachary, St Cronan’s Senior National School
May: Niamh Healy, St Nicholas of Myra National School
June: Beth McGarvey, Mary Queen of Ireland National School
July: Cara Ní Chíosóg, Scoil an Duinnínigh
August: May Monaghan, St Cronan’s Senior National School
September: Ciarán Heneghan, St Margaret’s National School
October: Bailey O’Connor, Mary Queen of Ireland National School
November: Kate McMahon, St Margaret’s National School
December: Lillyáine Ní Sheibhleain, Scoil an Duinnínigh