Dublin Airport’s tiniest inhabitants are enjoying a life of luxury following the recent unveiling of a brand new creepy-crawly hotel.
The hotel was built to encourage beneficial insects, insects that perform a valued service in the environment such as pollination and pest control, and to support biodiversity in the airport's gardens.
The idea for an insect hotel came from Dublin Airport’s Environment Department and was brought to life by the airport's carpenters who designed the hotel.
Dublin Airport carpenter John Duffy said: “We used old untreated pallets, as well as a host of natural materials, such as logs, twigs and branches, to make the insect hotel. Colleagues in the gardening section were very helpful in sourcing the building materials so that the only purchase was the chicken wire to prevent birds gaining access."
Some of the beneficial insects that have already checked into the hotel include solitary bees, butterflies and hoverflies. “We hope insects such as green lacewings, ladybirds and earwigs will also make use of the sheltered surroundings of the hotel for nesting and hibernation over the coming months,” added John.
Many of these insects are vital for pollination and pest control and it is hoped that the insect hotel will also help to keep the airport’s flowerbeds healthy.
Pictured above: Ceila Breathnach and Daniel O’Hagan checking-in at the bugs hotel