July 11, 2019
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Runway Construction
Substantial progress has been made in the construction of North Runway since our last update in April. Site clearance has been completed and almost 50 percent of the runway’s sub-base has been laid in preparation for the two separate layers of concrete to be added later in the programme. The earth and materials from the original 11/29 Runway have been recycled for use on perimeter roads.
Our main contractor, Roadbridge/FCC, recently reached a major milestone with 100,000 manhours worked without a lost time accident.
Poor weather conditions encountered during May and June resulted in some lost time on the earthworks operation. We have agreed with the planning authorities to trial a two-hour daily extension to site working hours between 7pm and 9pm, Monday to Friday, from late-July until the end of August. There are no plans currently to work on Saturdays.
We will continue to use the inner perimeter haul road for earth transfers and machinery movements between the eastern and western compounds thus ensuring the impact on public roads and their users is minimised.
Stone deliveries access the site via either the eastern compound near the R132 or the western compound on the R108 and all trucks use routes approved by the planning authority. Wheel-wash units, road sweepers and dust suppression equipment will continue to be deployed, where appropriate.
You may contact us on Freephone 1800-804422 or email northrunway@daa.ie if you have any queries relating these activities.
Mitigation Measures
Dublin Airport has launched its Home Sound Insulation Programme to complement a similar scheme associated with the development of North Runway. Dwellings located in the 2016 63dB LAeq 16-hour contour are eligible for participation, whilst North Runway’s scheme relates to dwellings located in the predicted 2022 63dB LAeq 16-hour contour.
Participation levels in both schemes are very high, resulting in nearly 170 local residences being included in the initial round of installation works. Those who have not opted in will continue to be eligible for consideration under the two-year reviews which will take place after North Runway is operational.
The public procurement process for such a large-scale initiative was both lengthy and rigorous, and the appointed Phase 1 consultants and contractor are experts in their fields.
Tuffin Ferraby Taylor/Anderson Acoustics is one of the largest specialist acoustics consultancy practices in the UK. They have over sixty years’ experience in acoustics management services across airports, construction, environmental, schools and building sectors, and have managed Heathrow’s Quieter Homes programme in addition to working at other UK and European airports.
The contract to supply insulation works was awarded to Waterford Insulation, who has set up dedicated offices and facilities in Santry to deliver the programme. Established in 2000, Waterford Insulation is an Irish industry leader and has undertaken works at over 10,000 residential, commercial and industrial properties, including over 5,000 as part of the SEAI’s Warmer Homes Scheme.

Phase 1 installation works started in June and a number of houses have been completed already. Feedback from these participants has been very positive with one resident commenting: “We were very happy with the insulation measures. All works were carried out in an efficient and professional manner and we can see a remarkable reduction in the noise of aircraft departing Runway 28”.
We held our information meetings for Phase 2 participants in May, and feedback from these events was very positive also. We have now received consent to works from all participants and are commencing the public procurement process for Phase 2 installations.
All surveying and installation costs are being borne by daa. There will be no outlay associated with these works on the part of participating residents. Each participating house was surveyed and an individual Statement of Need was produced which provided information on recommended insulation measures and projected improvements in noise levels. Each participant had an opportunity to discuss their individual recommendations with the project team and consultants at information events. When some participants were unable to attend these meetings, we visited their homes and brought along samples of glazing and other insulation products.
Priority is being given to those dwellings most impacted by current operations at Dublin Airport, and all insulation works at participating dwellings will be complete before North Runway is operational. Our insulation schemes compare very favourably to those at airports in other jurisdictions in that we are offering free surveys and installation, rather than providing a partial grant towards the works as is the case at many other airports.
Local Employment
Providing employment opportunities for local residents is a focus for the project. For this reason, we engage with as many local agencies and companies as possible and are currently working with Empower on our latest initiative. Empower is a local employment company which utilises cross-government agencies and services including the Department of Social Protection, INTREO, TÚS and Obair. One of Empower’s primary aims is to respond to unemployment and social exclusion through appropriate services and programmes, and North Runway was seen as an ideal vehicle to deliver that objective.
We are now well over six months into construction of North Runway with over 400 people directly employed to date - 51 from Fingal and local communities adjacent the airport, with a further 53 living in the greater Dublin Area. Additionally, 60 Roadbridge/FCC staff rent accommodation in Fingal, with some subcontractors’ 251 staff also renting or utilising local hotels and B&Bs.
Anyone who is interested in working with Roadbridge FCC on North Runway should email their CV to nrcp2@roadbridge.ie.
Engagement with members of the public, particularly our neighbours and local communities, continues to be a priority for daa and the North Runway team. If you have any queries or would like further information about any aspect of the project, please contact us on Freephone 1800-804422 or northrunway@daa.ie.