Community groups and clubs across Fingal are being invited to apply for Dublin Airport’s Community Fund which has re-opened for applications. Locals have a six week window to submit an application to the Community Fund, before the closing date of Friday, October 27.
Dublin Airport’s Community Fund was launched in 2017 with a total investment of €10 million to be distributed over 25 years. Last year was another bumper year for the Community Fund, with local schools, clubs and community groups sharing in €400,000 in 2022.
The Community Fund supports local projects that make a positive contribution to communities around Dublin Airport. Applications are invited from 13 eligible areas from Santry, south of the airport to Rolestown in the north, and from Tyrrelstown on the west to Portmarnock on the east. Awards from the Community Fund are made by an independent Grant Making Panel. Organisations which have received funding in the past are welcome to submit applications for new projects.
The Community Fund also supports up to 20 students per year from economically disadvantaged backgrounds to enable them to attend Dublin City University (DCU) via its Access Programme.
Groups applying for funding can find an easy 'how-to-apply' guide along with an application form on the airport’s website HERE, and anyone with questions regarding the fund should contact: communityfund@daa.ie.