March 28, 2025 Back to all news
Map showing Dublin Airport with viewing area to the south highlighted.

To facilitate site investigation works as part of Dublin Airport’s planning application for a new Viewing Area on the Old Airport Road (Collinstown Avenue), it is necessary to close the existing viewing area between 10am and 4pm on Wednesday, 2 April, 2025.

The works will be undertaken in the safest and most efficient manner to minimise disruption to users of the viewing area. All necessary traffic management measures will be in place to ensure the safety of the public and staff, and to reduce any potential impact on road users. 

On completion of the required works, the viewing area will reopen for use at 4pm on Wednesday, 2 April, 2025.

daa apologises for any inconvenience these measures may cause and we are happy to clarify any of the details outlined above.

If you have any queries, please feel free to email us at